Creating a Page

Create and customise your page in minutes, and share - or embed - the same link to onboard clients.

Creating a Page is easy, and only takes a few minutes. To get started, head to the Pages tab in your dashboard and click on Create Page.

You'll see a popup, taking you through the steps to create your page, including the flow you want to verify clients on. On the right-hand side, you'll see a live view of what your page will look like as you edit.

Domain name

You can link your own domain or subdomain to the platform, for use with Pages and verification links you send out. To add a domain see Linking your domain

Alternatively, you can choose to use our domain.

Unique page name

Your page name must be unique, and acts as a URL path. For example if your unique page name is example, your static page URL will be or your domain, if linked.

Privacy policy

Provide a link to your privacy policy, or use ours:

Verification flow

Pre-select a flow that all applicants or entities are verified on when they navigate to the page.

Brand name

Your brand or business' name. We'll send a 2FA code via email to clients with your brand name before they start verifying - this helps to prevent spam and provides them with a link to continue if they leave the page.

Support email

Your support email. We'll use this email as a reply-to, in case your clients need to get in touch with you.

Logo and favicon

Your logo image, displayed on the welcome screen of the page, and your favicon - displayed on the tab of the browser. Emails sent to clients contain your logo.

Accent colour

Select an accent, or secondary colour to customise the look and feel of the page.

HTML Header

Include custom HTML code, like a Google Analytics tag, within the header of the page.

Last updated