Using basic authentication

Instead of sending account details as body parameters, you can use basic authentication to generate a bearer token instead.

Before calling other endpoints, you need to generate an Authorization Bearer token. To retrieve your token using basic auth, simply send your account credentials in base64 encoded format within the header.

The format should be Basic email:password where email:password are encoded.

Generate a bearer token using basic authentication

POST /api-basic-auth

Generate a token for use with other endpoints.





Basic (base64 string)


curl --location '' \
-H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="


  "status": "success",
  "response": {
    "token": "1670035114445x631333625381113500",
    "user_id": "1665086295388x405886519539808060",
    "expires": 31536000

In the response, you'll receive:

  • Your bearer token

  • Your unique user id

  • The expiration time of your token, expressed in seconds

Remember to include your token in the header of every subsequent API call, in the format Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Don't forget to set up a workflow to renew your token before it expires.

Last updated