Once you've uploaded all required documents to an entity, you can request to start the verification.
When all documents have been uploaded and UBOs linked (if necessary), use this endpoint to confirm and start the verification process.
Note: You don't need to use this endpoint if you're verifying an entity using a verification link. Verification links submit entities for processing automatically.
Before calling this endpoint, make sure all required documents have been uploaded before confirming to start the verification process. Using this endpoint before uploading documents (if required by your flow) can lead to improper processing of the entity.
Submit the applicant for processing
Once all documents have been uploaded, start the verification process.
var axios =require('axios');var FormData =require('form-data');var data =newFormData();data.append('applicantId','4242424242424x424242424242424242');var config = { method:'post',maxBodyLength:Infinity, url:'https://enterprise.personr.co/api/1.1/wf/api-request-applicant-check', headers: { ...data.getHeaders() }, data : data};axios(config).then(function (response) {console.log(JSON.stringify(response.data));}).catch(function (error) {console.log(error);});
var form =newFormData();form.append("applicantId","4242424242424x424242424242424242");var settings = {"url":"https://enterprise.personr.co/api/1.1/wf/api-request-applicant-check","method":"POST","timeout":0,"processData":false,"mimeType":"multipart/form-data","contentType":false,"data": form};$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {console.log(response);});