Creating an applicant

Let's create an applicant, ready to be verified.

This endpoint allows you to create an applicant on a chosen flow that you've created within the platform.

Flows allow you to choose what you'd like to screen an applicant for, and which documents you'd like verified. For example, a basic flow you've created may require the applicant to provide one identity document and go through a selfie check.

If you haven't created a Flow yet, create one by going to before proceeding.

Create an applicant

POST /api-applicant-create

Create an applicant, ready to be verified.



curl --location '' \
--form 'email=""' \
--form 'phone="+61 424 424 424"' \
--form 'nameFirst="John"' \
--form 'nameLast="Doe"' \
--form 'flowName="KYC basic"'


  "status": "success",
  "response": {
    "applicantId": "4242424242424x424242424242424242",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+61 424 424 424",
    "nameFirst": "John",
    "nameLast": "Doe",
    "flowName": "KYC basic",
    "applicantStatus": "Created"

Remember to input the flow name exactly as you created it. Don't use the template name.

Last updated